Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Back to the Future

A fantastic film that presents a nice spin on the time travel concept.  Marty is a normal kid, however, his dad is no good at confrontations and even as an adult, bullied by the same person as his childhood.  His mother is an alcoholic and it just seems that things aren't ideal for the family.  Through some twist of fate, Marty ends up traveling back in time thanks to the time machine built by the Doc.  He goes back 30 years into the past and through his exploits there, he meets up with his parents, accidentally causing his mum to fall in love with him.  So now he has to correct that wrong and also find a way to get back to the future.  There is a touch of humor in the scenes and the things that Marty learns about the past makes the plot engaging.  The script is clever and while you expect some things to happen, the film exceeds your expectations.

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