Thursday, June 16, 2016

Back to the Future Part III

After the cliffhanger at the end of Part II, Back to the Future Part III leaves no time wasted to get straight into the thick of things.  Marty returns to the past, travelling back 100 years into the Wild West, where cowboys runs supreme.  He has to save the Doc and return to the future but of course, things get complicated and Marty quickly finds himself an enemy, with his life on the line.  While still an engaging story, Part III isn't as intense and high-stakes as the previous two.  Sure, Marty may die, but it pales in comparison to not existing in the first place.  The new characters that are introduced are charming, and the humor remains intact.  The ending provides closure to the series as a whole once and for all, although it would have been a sweeter ending if some of the characters were stuck in the past instead.

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