Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Book Review: Diary of Dorkius Maximus in Pompeii

Review:  #575
Title:  Diary of Dorkius Maximus in Pompeii
Series:  Diary of Dorkius Maximus - 3rd book
Author:  Tim Collins
Read Before:  no
Comments:  More funny and interesting than the previous books in the series and takes place in Pompeii, right on the foot of Mt Vesuvius.  Dorkius heads to Mt Vesuvius where there are ominous rumblings and smells, naturally this can only mean the volcano is about to explode and we get a tale of how he wants to get out of there, but must try and convince his parents.  The events are engaging and while the characters can be stupid at times, they are stupidly fun.  When the actual eruption happens though it was a bit disappointing since not much ended up happening but otherwise, a good break.
Rating:  6/10

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