Saturday, December 26, 2015

Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa

First of all, Escape 2 Africa instantly has a better setting and story than the original.  The pacing of the plot is more brisk, events are more interesting and the film less boring.  Alex and his gang wants to return to New York, they commission the Penguins to fly the plane back, however, they crash land into Africa (that scene isn't one you want to watch on a plane), where Alex meets his father.  While it can get predictable from time to time, especially when the misunderstanding of Alex wanting to dance and his father wanting him to fight.  There are a few subplots within the film but it manages to tie very well together and it all works.  The humor relies on visual gags, sometimes being a bit obnoxious and lame, yet most of them are quite funny.  The animation and aesthetics are slick and perhaps the most impressive thing about Escape 2 Africa is how well all the plot elements they introduced throughout the film manages to come together in the end, and how you can see how that event in the earlier parts came to this.  While it can still be improved upon, Escape 2 Africa is a fun movie.

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