Monday, February 16, 2015

Book Review: 07-Ghost Vol. 1

Review:  #468
Title:  07-Ghost Vol. 1
Series:  07-Ghost - 1st volume
Author:  Yuki Amemiya / Yukino Ichihara
Read Before:  no
Comments:  For the first volume in the series, it feels somewhat lacking and disappointing in that the story doesn’t have a key plot feature to suck you in.  While the art is nice, it’s hard to decipher what is happening in the frames during action scenes.  Are they punching each other or are weapons coming out of their hands?  It’s hard to tell.  It feels very drab and weighed down.  Characters are drawn with typical cliché poses and there aren’t enough special unique things to make the story interesting.
Rating:  5.5/10

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