Tuesday, February 18, 2014

It's a Trap! (Family Guy)

The third and final in the Star Wars retelling in Family Guy fashion.  Just like the beginning crawling text stated, they're running out of ideas for this one.  While there were less time-dragging jokes as the second in the trilogy, the ones here (two that I can count), went on for too long.  The kind of humor was okay when  the joke just started but as it went on and on, with you expecting it to end, but it didn't, it felt like a cheap way to extend the time (the "signal" scene is the biggest offender).  In terms of story, it's still quite a faithful retelling, with a lot of random stuff inserted here and there.  Some of the humor worked really well (I liked how they occasionally attack the inconsistencies of the original Star Wars films), but most of the time, it's just a "oh, I get the angle where they're coming from, but it's not that funny).  It was still an enjoyable watch (since it's only an hour long), now, where's the prequel retellings?

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