Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Bourne Identity

Not a bad film and the premise is interesting.  A government agent/assassin recovers with amnesia and the film is spent with him trying to find out who he really is.  While in the beginning of the film it felt a bit aimless, the film got better as it progressed.  I found the character Marie to be only a tag-along and wasn't too central to the plot (other than as a love interest to Jason).  The action scenes were exciting, and seeing Jason's skill in action was impressive.  It's his display of his skills that led you think that Jason is much more than he seems and that his back story would be something worthwhile.  I felt that the ending was a bit rushed, in that he suddenly remembered what happened and the truth is revealed.  Although you suspect what it was before it happens, not much time was spent on it in the film so it didn't have as much impact as you want.  The plot is good nonetheless, and it carries enough momentum to last the whole film.

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