Friday, March 30, 2012

Call of Duty: Black Ops

Call of Duty... another really really popular franchise that I have never played before, yet wonder why it is so well received (I personally don't like playing shooters).  I borrowed a copy of this from a friend and had a shot at it.  I played the single player campaign first, and it was okay, nothing spectacular that jumps out at me as the reason for being a hugely successful franchise.  I found the story, which was said by a fair few people over the internet, to be one of the best story in the Call of Duty series.  I found it boring.  I didn't like the story, it was okay at first, but then I slowly lost my interest, it was good then, that it is such a short mode.  I was very glad when I finished as I didn't have to put up with it anymore (I hate not finishing stuff).  The graphics looked great though, and I surprised at how good it looked.

Now, I tried the mulitplayer, and finally, I understood why.  It is addictive, personally, since I suck at these games, and the fact that many many people are better than me (which meant, I was constantly dying), I didn't get into it.  Thankfully, the multiplayer isn't quite dead yet and there were still enough people playing such that it was easy to get into a game.  The leveling up system is pretty good, and playing the different game modes on the map was several times better than the best moment in the single player campaign.  In the end, I'm happy for playing the game, and knowing what it's about but I won't be grabbing any more in the franchise.


Other game reviews can be found on this page.

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