Thursday, February 2, 2012

Book Review: The Faeman Quest

Review:  #146
Title:  The Faeman Quest
Series:  Faerie Wars Chronicles - 5th Book
Author:  Herbie Brennan
Read Before:  no
My Comments:  It had a great beginning, I loved the first exchange of dialogue you read, and it captured your interest immediately.  I was surprised that it was set sixteen years after the last book, so the protagonists of the series are now not young people anymore, but more like middle aged, granted, it is now focusing on their daughter.  The plot was interesting, especially as things developed, and it was building up to something, but how it was resolved was a bit of a letdown.  It was more like their daughter comes back, reveals what has happened and all is well without the explanation of the process on how they fixed it up.  The author has tied the loose ends but it feels like it was lacking something.  I guess most of the events in the book all lead to the same point, albeit in a roundabout way, so that once you’ve finished reading it, you think, well, that wasn't really necessary, but it was still fun going through it.  I’m still surprised at the style of writing, its different, but enjoyable.
Rating:  7/10
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