Thursday, January 5, 2012

Book Review: Black Cat Volume 6: The Price of Happiness

Review:  #132
Title:  Black Cat Volume 6:  The Price of Happiness
Series:  Black Cat - 6th volume
Author:  Kentaro Yabuki
Read Before:  no
My Comments:  Maybe it’s because I had to skip Volume 4 and 5, but this sixth volume wasn't that enjoyable to read.  I think the stories weren’t interesting enough for me, I still understood the story, which was good (I was afraid I’ll miss some critical things when I skipped those volumes) but they were typical stories done before.  I especially don’t like stories where the partners disband and then find out that they didn't want to in the end, this happens here when Sven leaves Eve for her ‘own good’, waste of time in my reckoning.  The fight scenes were okay, but it didn't do much to further the story.  Positives were the final two chapters, where Charden and to an extent, Kyoko start to question the actions of Creed, I would like to see where that is going.
Rating:  6/10
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